Let’s Cut Off All Our Hair

When Pie first came to live with us in October at 12 weeks old, I had long hair and his little puppy hair was too short to need grooming.  It also was getting colder and so we thought he should hang on to all the hair he had for the winter months.

Ponytail Tuck

Fast forward to Spring and both of us were in need of some serious grooming.  Pie’s hair was spiralling out of control and was reaching the point where he would be panting after an hour outside with the temperature only at seventy.  I was also interested in getting a shorter cut and had been growing out my hair to be able to donate it to Locks of Love, which makes wigs for children that have sicknesses that effect their hair.

Pie bad hair

 My previous hairdresser from Urban Style Lab had left DC for NYC and I had been in limbo trying to decide what to do as my hair grew out.  After much contemplation, I decided to try out a new salon as we have moved further from Dupont and finally settled on Immortal Beloved for the major chop.  To donate the hair to Locks of Love, I needed to put my hair in a pony tail and my hairdresser, Ashley was understanding as I took the pony tail and put it in the ZipLoc bag that I brought with me.  I couldn’t be more happy with my haircut– It is so much easier to get out the door quickly and I feel much more stylish.  The final step was a bit strange, but for a good cause it was worth it.  I brought the bag to Fedex and mailed it to Locks of Love, despite a few strange looks at the package counter.

Immortal Beloved

With my hair finished, Pie was up next.  We were somewhat baffled about the hand stripping process that Border Terriers require; however, the vet and neighbors had filled us in on a place called Paws of Enchantment.  Apparently the dog aromatherapy that Cassandra offers does the trick because Pie came back relaxed and ready to go.  I have already noticed that he has much more energy at the dog park and I think the heat won’t bother him quite as much.   Now he looks much more tidy and as one commenter says “he looks quite regal”!

tuck after

Now, if I can only get Mr. Pie to try out the new men’s barber called Hell’s Bottom just down the street from the owners of Immortal Beloved…